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This function is useful for verifying that raw or residual phenotype risk scores of diagnosed individuals (cases) tend to be higher than scores of undiagnosed individuals (controls).


  minUniqueAges = 2L,
  diseaseDxIcdMap = phers::diseaseDxIcdMap



A data.table having one row per person in the cohort. Must have a column person_id.


A data.table of occurrences of ICD codes for each person in the cohort. Must have columns person_id, icd, flag, and occurrence_age.


Integer indicating the minimum number of unique ICD code entry ages required to classify a person as a case. Persons with at least one, but fewer than minUniqueAges entry ages, are assigned as neither cases nor controls.


A data.table of the mapping between diseases and the corresponding ICD codes that indicate a diagnosis. Must have columns disease_id, icd, and flag. Default is diseaseDxIcdMap.


A data.table with columns person_id, disease_id, and dx_status

(1 indicates a case, 0 indicates a control, -1 indicates neither).



icdSample1 = merge(icdSample, demoSample[, .(person_id, dob)], by = 'person_id')
icdSample1[, occurrence_age := as.numeric((entry_date - dob)/365.25)]
#>     person_id    icd flag entry_date        dob occurrence_age
#>  1:         1    365    9 2014-03-10 1925-05-24      88.796699
#>  2:         1    366    9 2014-11-07 1925-05-24      89.459259
#>  3:         1    734    9 2014-05-28 1925-05-24      89.012989
#>  4:         1 759.82    9 2014-02-15 1925-05-24      88.733728
#>  5:         2    441    9 2011-10-10 1976-06-05      35.346012
#>  6:         2  524.0    9 2012-11-04 1976-06-05      36.416511
#>  7:         2  718.4    9 2014-10-28 1976-06-05      38.395977
#>  8:         2 759.82    9 2014-12-29 1976-06-05      38.565724
#>  9:         2 759.82    9 2015-10-03 1976-06-05      39.326847
#> 10:         3    366    9 2005-09-28 1942-07-02      63.239370
#> 11:         3    734    9 2007-03-17 1942-07-02      64.704120
#> 12:         4    441    9 2019-10-15 1986-03-22      33.566328
#> 13:         5  331.9    9 2011-03-08 1969-07-01      41.684307
#> 14:         5 362.07    9 2011-06-07 1969-07-01      41.933451
#> 15:         5 369.25    9 2011-05-06 1969-07-01      41.845840
#> 16:         5 812.10    9 2011-03-26 1969-07-01      41.733588
#> 17:         6 811.11    9 2014-04-27 2001-01-10      13.291612
#> 18:         6  958.3    9 2005-06-14 2001-01-10       4.423713
#> 19:         6  V33.1    9 2004-12-14 2001-01-10       3.925424
#> 20:         7  062.8    9 2010-10-13 1973-11-05      36.938331
#> 21:         7 607.83    9 2010-10-13 1973-11-05      36.938331
#> 22:         7 712.17    9 2010-10-13 1973-11-05      36.938331
#> 23:         7 785.52    9 2010-10-13 1973-11-05      36.938331
#> 24:         7 788.30    9 2010-10-13 1973-11-05      36.938331
#> 25:         8    077    9 2017-03-30 2009-06-02       7.824870
#> 26:         8    256    9 2017-03-01 2009-06-02       7.745473
#> 27:         9  391.1    9 2013-05-17 2001-04-29      12.049971
#> 28:         9 756.13    9 2014-05-14 2001-04-29      13.041073
#> 29:        10 711.81    9 2011-06-20 2002-01-17       9.420733
#> 30:        11 361.04    9 2016-10-03 2013-03-27       3.522563
#> 31:        11  775.9    9 2016-11-23 2013-03-27       3.662194
#> 32:        11  960.6    9 2016-10-13 2013-03-27       3.549942
#> 33:        12  480.9    9 2017-12-10 1951-03-13      66.745830
#> 34:        12  916.2    9 2017-12-10 1951-03-13      66.745830
#> 35:        12 V18.51    9 2017-12-10 1951-03-13      66.745830
#> 36:        13 534.61    9 2014-07-09 2010-11-26       3.615044
#> 37:        13  773.5    9 2016-08-27 2010-11-26       5.750567
#> 38:        14  020.5    9 2014-03-01 1980-11-03      33.321550
#> 39:        14  982.0    9 2014-03-01 1980-11-03      33.321550
#> 40:        15  031.0    9 2012-05-06 1995-03-19      17.133533
#> 41:        15 202.15    9 2012-05-06 1995-03-19      17.133533
#> 42:        15  404.1    9 2012-05-06 1995-03-19      17.133533
#> 43:        15 404.10    9 2012-05-06 1995-03-19      17.133533
#> 44:        15 758.31    9 2012-05-06 1995-03-19      17.133533
#> 45:        16 641.81    9 2015-01-13 1947-03-28      67.797530
#> 46:        16 642.00    9 2015-01-13 1947-03-28      67.797530
#> 47:        17  224.2    9 2016-12-28 1991-07-14      25.459982
#> 48:        17 296.36    9 2017-04-16 1991-07-14      25.758408
#> 49:        17  441.4    9 2016-04-13 1991-07-14      24.750879
#> 50:        17  690.8    9 2014-12-02 1991-07-14      23.387429
#> 51:        17  904.6    9 2014-10-06 1991-07-14      23.231372
#> 52:        18 363.20    9 2011-02-11 1976-05-19      34.734167
#> 53:        18 368.12    9 2011-04-08 1976-05-19      34.887487
#> 54:        18  410.5    9 2011-06-15 1976-05-19      35.073661
#> 55:        18 772.12    9 2011-06-14 1976-05-19      35.070923
#> 56:        19  110.1    9 2010-06-29 1938-02-27      72.332488
#> 57:        19 747.41    9 2008-09-28 1938-02-27      70.583001
#> 58:        19 803.44    9 2004-02-26 1938-02-27      65.994363
#> 59:        19  821.1    9 2007-11-10 1938-02-27      69.698675
#> 60:        19 952.14    9 2010-08-08 1938-02-27      72.442002
#> 61:        20  268.9    9 2018-03-07 2006-09-25      11.447654
#> 62:        20  534.2    9 2017-02-15 2006-09-25      10.393582
#> 63:        20 663.40    9 2019-07-01 2006-09-25      12.764560
#> 64:        20 755.11    9 2017-05-10 2006-09-25      10.623561
#>     person_id    icd flag entry_date        dob occurrence_age
icdSample1[, `:=`(entry_date = NULL, dob = NULL)]
#>     person_id    icd flag occurrence_age
#>  1:         1    365    9      88.796699
#>  2:         1    366    9      89.459259
#>  3:         1    734    9      89.012989
#>  4:         1 759.82    9      88.733728
#>  5:         2    441    9      35.346012
#>  6:         2  524.0    9      36.416511
#>  7:         2  718.4    9      38.395977
#>  8:         2 759.82    9      38.565724
#>  9:         2 759.82    9      39.326847
#> 10:         3    366    9      63.239370
#> 11:         3    734    9      64.704120
#> 12:         4    441    9      33.566328
#> 13:         5  331.9    9      41.684307
#> 14:         5 362.07    9      41.933451
#> 15:         5 369.25    9      41.845840
#> 16:         5 812.10    9      41.733588
#> 17:         6 811.11    9      13.291612
#> 18:         6  958.3    9       4.423713
#> 19:         6  V33.1    9       3.925424
#> 20:         7  062.8    9      36.938331
#> 21:         7 607.83    9      36.938331
#> 22:         7 712.17    9      36.938331
#> 23:         7 785.52    9      36.938331
#> 24:         7 788.30    9      36.938331
#> 25:         8    077    9       7.824870
#> 26:         8    256    9       7.745473
#> 27:         9  391.1    9      12.049971
#> 28:         9 756.13    9      13.041073
#> 29:        10 711.81    9       9.420733
#> 30:        11 361.04    9       3.522563
#> 31:        11  775.9    9       3.662194
#> 32:        11  960.6    9       3.549942
#> 33:        12  480.9    9      66.745830
#> 34:        12  916.2    9      66.745830
#> 35:        12 V18.51    9      66.745830
#> 36:        13 534.61    9       3.615044
#> 37:        13  773.5    9       5.750567
#> 38:        14  020.5    9      33.321550
#> 39:        14  982.0    9      33.321550
#> 40:        15  031.0    9      17.133533
#> 41:        15 202.15    9      17.133533
#> 42:        15  404.1    9      17.133533
#> 43:        15 404.10    9      17.133533
#> 44:        15 758.31    9      17.133533
#> 45:        16 641.81    9      67.797530
#> 46:        16 642.00    9      67.797530
#> 47:        17  224.2    9      25.459982
#> 48:        17 296.36    9      25.758408
#> 49:        17  441.4    9      24.750879
#> 50:        17  690.8    9      23.387429
#> 51:        17  904.6    9      23.231372
#> 52:        18 363.20    9      34.734167
#> 53:        18 368.12    9      34.887487
#> 54:        18  410.5    9      35.073661
#> 55:        18 772.12    9      35.070923
#> 56:        19  110.1    9      72.332488
#> 57:        19 747.41    9      70.583001
#> 58:        19 803.44    9      65.994363
#> 59:        19  821.1    9      69.698675
#> 60:        19 952.14    9      72.442002
#> 61:        20  268.9    9      11.447654
#> 62:        20  534.2    9      10.393582
#> 63:        20 663.40    9      12.764560
#> 64:        20 755.11    9      10.623561
#>     person_id    icd flag occurrence_age

dxStatus = getDxStatus(demoSample, icdSample1)